Thursday, July 29, 2010

People Whose Parents Wouldn't Buy Them Chemistry Sets. Or Ice Cream

Photo: Dezeen
Though one wonders if it isn't taking the concept of bespoke food just a spoke too far, the ice cream that emerges (the Rube Goldberg-esque process involves floating Eames-unit-looking boxes suspended at optimal heights throughout the space to house the equipment and ingredients needed for each stage) at Camden ice cream parlor Chin Chin Laboratorists makes Ben and Jerry's look jerry-rigged. The sweet stuff is frozen to order with liquid nitrogen in a mad-science setting created by a pair of north London designers.
(via Dezeen)

Tomboy Style Icon: Jodie Foster

Photo: Tomboy Style
Indeed. (via Tomboy Style).


This poster from Plaid Creative de-mystifies the bean in all of its glorious liquid forms (via Design Sponge, where you can purchase one).

Not awake yet? The Espresso Solo, designed by Shenkar College of Engineering and Design student Shmuel Linski (via Dezeen) features metal parts encased in concrete and makes only espresso, which is good enough for Betty and Wilma (I'm thinking Fred and Barney are more Dunkin Donuts guys.)
Photo: Dezeen

More? These disposable French press cups with itty-bitty plungers made by SmartCup may not make Treehugger happy, but they might be a great way to avoid drive-thru coffee.

Raspberry Hairball Basil

Furry, felted popsicle made by German tourist smitten with admittedly tasty non-furry versions from Brooklyn pop shop People's Pops.